水中ドローンの起動手順と終了手順-水中ドローンCCROV編(Startup procedure and termination procedure – under water drone CCROV)
地球温暖化が問題となって久しいですが、最近グリーンランドの氷床が融解していると報告がありました。この夏、フランスを始めヨーロッパが熱波に襲われて、気温が40度前後まで上昇したというニュースが報じられました。テレビやネットで見たことがある人も多いと思います。この熱波がグリーンランドの氷床融解の原因だと考えられました。今回の融解による海面上昇は約0.1 mmと推算されました。あまり日本ではニュースになりませんが、地球温暖化は確実に私たちの生活に影響を与えるでしょう。手近な海や池を水中ドローンで観察してみませんか?
1. 一般的な空中ドローンの起動について
2. 水中ドローンの起動について
3. 水中ドローンCCROVの起動・終了手順動画
そこで、実際に水中ドローンをレンタルした時、直ぐに利用できるように起動手順と終了手順について映像化してみました。先ずはCCROVの起動と終了手順についてのムービーです。実は、PowerRayは公式サイトに起動から操作までのムービーが揃っています。それでも色々省略されているので、当社でも用意する予定です。SeaDrone社のInspector 1も起動ムービーは公式サイトに用意されているのですが、全編英語なので日本語版の起動と終了を用意する予定です。
CCROVの起動についてですが、コントローラーに単三電池4本が必要という点に気を付けなければならない、と感じました。ついつい忘れていて、海や湖で単三電池が必要となっても、なかなか手に入らない場合があります。PowerRayは、コントローラーが無くてもiPhomeやiPadだけでも運転が可能です。Inspector 1はiPadで操作します。最近、Inspector 1もジョイスティックに対応しましたが、当社では準備していません。一方、CCROVはコントローラーで機体のロック解除を行うので、必須となります。なお当社では、CCROVレンタル時にフル充電の充電池を添付しております。ご利用ください。
It has been a long time since global warming became a problem, but recently there was a report that the Greenland ice sheet was melting. This summer, the news that Europe including France were attacked by heat waves and the temperature rose to around 40 degrees. I think many people have seen it on TV and the internet. This heat wave was thought to be responsible for the melting of the Greenland ice sheet. The sea level rise due to this melting was estimated to be about 0.1 mm. Not much news in Japan, but global warming will certainly affect our lives. Why do not you observe the nearby sea and pond with an underwater drone?
This time I will explain the procedure to actually start and stop the underwater drone.
1. About general aerial drone launch
2. Launching the underwater drone
3. Underwater drone CCROV start / end procedure video
About general aerial drone launch
In order to use it safely when renting an underwater drone, this time we made a movie about the startup procedure and termination procedure of CCROV. Actually, there is not much information on CCROV. I used to search Google for air drone operations before, but there weren't many. I bought a toy drone at Amazon, and actually started up and operated it, but even if the manufacturer was different, the activation and operation itself was almost the same. I remember that it was very easy in the order of startup of the drone body, wifi connection with the controller, and application startup. The top expensive aerial drone, though, may be a more complex launch.
Launching the underwater drone
Basically, the underwater drone rented by our company is the same procedure as connecting the main unit and the wireless device with a cable, then connecting the wifi with the controller and the wireless device, and activating the app. However, the shape is different for all three models, and there is also the presence or absence of the controller, so the actual start-up procedure is different at fine points. If you test a drone that launches, you can test an aerial drone with low flight. If there is any trouble, there is almost no risk of damage. With an underwater drone, if there is any trouble, there is a risk of flooding and failure. Please read the manual carefully before starting operation. However, you may not understand the actual operation even if you read the manual, right? Besides, it's not just about underwater drones, but many are not products of Japanese companies. In the strange Japanese language of the attached manual, I often wonder, "Is this OK?"
Underwater drone CCROV start / end procedure video
Therefore, I tried to make a picture. The first is a movie on the start and stop procedure of CCROV. Actually, PowerRay has movies from launch to operation on the official site. Still, it is planned to be prepared by us as it is omitted in various ways. The launch movie of SeaDrone's Inspector 1 is also available on the official site, but as it is full-text English, we plan to prepare the launch and exit of the Japanese version.
Regarding the start of CCROV, I felt that I need to be aware that the controller needs four AA batteries. Even if you just forgot that you need AA batteries in the ocean or lake, you may not get it easily. PowerRay can be operated with iPhome or iPad alone without a controller. Inspector 1 works with iPad. Recently, Inspector 1 also supports joysticks, but we have not prepared them. On the other hand, CCROV uses the controller to unlock the machine, so the controller is essential. We also attach a fully charged rechargeable battery at the time of CCROV rental. Please use.
We are very sorry, but we don’t prepare English version movie for the procedure for starting and ending the underwater drone in this time. If there is much request, we will prepare English version movie.