先日、NHKスペシャル「海の異変 しのびよる酸性化の脅威」が放送されました。地球温暖化の影響で、海が酸性化しているという内容でした。人間の活動によって放出され続けている二酸化炭素。その増えすぎた二酸化炭素を、世界中の海が大量に吸収しています。元々海水は、約pH 8と弱アルカリ性です。そのため、海水は弱酸性の二酸化炭素は良く吸収します。現在、大気中の二酸化炭素の50倍もの量を、海が蓄積していると予想されています。吸収した二酸化炭素は、海のpHを下げ、酸性化しました。海が酸性化は多くの生物に様々な影響を与えています。例えば、エビやカニの殻が溶けるという影響です。エビやカニの殻は炭酸カルシウムという物質で出来ています。海が酸性化すると炭酸カルシウムが溶け出して、殻のないエビやカニが出現します。同じ炭酸カルシウムで出来ている貝の殻も薄くなることでしょう。海水温の上昇と共に、酸性化は海や湖の生き物に大きな影響が与えています。
当社では水中ドローンのレンタルを行っております。水中ドローンFIFISH v6やCCROVなどを利用すると、水中映像を4Kで撮影できます。海や湖の中には、生き物がどのようになっているのか、また海のプラスティックゴミはどのようになっているのか、夏休みの自由研究に最適な題材が豊富です。是非、夏休みの自由研究に水中ドローンをご利用下さい。水中ドローンを簡単に使用できるマニュアルや必要な機器をご用意しております。
#水中ドローン #自由研究 #海洋生物 #水辺の生き物 #FIFISH #CCROV
Why do not you observe the sea and lake with an underwater drone for free study during summer vacation?
The other day, the NHK Special "The Threat of Acidification Due to the Change of the Sea" was broadcast. The content was that the sea was acidified due to the effects of global warming. Carbon dioxide that continues to be released by human activity. The oceans around the world absorb a large amount of the excess carbon dioxide. Originally, seawater is weakly alkaline with a pH of about 8. Therefore, seawater absorbs weakly acidic carbon dioxide well. Currently, it is estimated that the ocean is accumulating 50 times as much carbon dioxide as in the atmosphere. The absorbed carbon dioxide lowered the pH of the sea and acidified it. Ocean acidification has various effects on many organisms. For example, the effect of melting shrimp and crab shells. Shrimp and crab shells are made of a substance called calcium carbonate. When the sea acidifies, calcium carbonate dissolves and shellless shrimp and crabs appear. Shells made of the same calcium carbonate will also be thinner. As the seawater temperature rises, acidification has a great impact on the creatures of the sea and lakes.
Observing sea and lake creatures looks easy and difficult.
The water environment of the sea and lakes is changing drastically, including the effects of global warming. However, in the sea or lake, you don't have a chance to see it. Occasionally, the news is that salmon are no longer caught in the Tohoku region. However, I do not notice that the creatures of the sea and lakes that are close to me have actually changed. However, it is very difficult to observe the creatures in the lakes and seas around us. The lake is prohibited from swimming, and the sea cannot swim unless it is designated as a beach. Also, there aren't many creatures at the beach. It is not possible to observe living things with this.
With an underwater drone, you can easily observe underwater.
The best way for the average person to observe the ocean or lake is to use an underwater drone. Underwater drones allow you to observe creatures in various oceans and lakes. In addition, it is possible to shoot underwater videos and still images, and it is also possible to shoot aiming at living things. However, the screw noise of the underwater drone is quite loud, so if you approach a fish while moving, you may escape. From my experience of underwater photography with an underwater drone, it seems that the best way to shoot is to approach a creature slowly and stand still. The names of the creatures that have been successfully photographed will be revealed by Google image search.
How about underwater observation with an underwater drone for free study during summer vacation?
We rent underwater drones. Underwater drone FIFISH v6, CCROV, etc. can be used to shoot underwater images in 4K. In the sea and lakes, there are abundant subjects that are ideal for free research during the summer vacation, such as what the creatures look like and what the plastic trash in the sea looks like. Please use the underwater drone for free research during the summer vacation. We have a manual and necessary equipment that makes it easy to use the underwater drone.
#UnderwaterDrone #FreeStudy #MarineLife #WatersideCreatures #FIFISH #CCROV