
2023/03/14 ブログ








#蛍光メダカ #カルタヘナ議定書 #クエタマ

Fluorescent medaka and artificial hybrid fish

 Recently, it became clear that medaka fish with fluorescent protein genes were being sold, and he was arrested for violating the Cartagena Law. Medaka, which has a fluorescent protein gene, glows red when exposed to black light or ultraviolet light. This genetically modified medaka contains two types of propensity protein genes. One is DSRed, a red fluorescent protein derived from "Sea anemone", and the other is a green fluorescent protein, GFP, derived from "Aequorea victoria". When each fluorescent protein is actually expressed in E. coli, DSRed stains the colonies pink, and GFP stains them fluorescent yellow.

Fluorescent medaka is a genetically modified organism stipulated by the Cartagena Protocol.

 This fluorescent medaka is a genetically modified medaka made in a laboratory at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, but it was reported that a fertilized egg was brought out by a student about 10 years ago. This fluorescent medaka is an artificially created organism that does not exist in nature, in which the gene of a heterogeneous organism is incorporated. It can also grow outside the laboratory environment, and may be able to mate with outside organisms and leave offspring. Such genetically modified organisms can contaminate natural organisms with artificial genes. Therefore, it is classified as "Type 2 use, etc." stipulated in the Cartagena Protocol. In the case of organisms classified as "Type 2 use, etc.", it is necessary to manage them so that they do not leave the laboratory or experimental farm.

 Others, such as genetically modified corn and soybeans, are grown on outdoor farms. These are categorized under the Cartagena Protocol as “Type 1 Use”. These genetically modified organisms are approved for use, including outdoor cultivation, after pre-evaluation to ensure that there is no risk of impact on biodiversity when hybridized with closely related species.

Artificial hybrids are not subject to the Cartagena Protocol if they belong to the same genus.

 In recent years, attempts have been made to artificially cross organisms to create new species. "Kuetama" produced by Kinki University in 2011 is also an artificial hybrid. "Kuetama" is an artificial hybrid fish created by crossing the high-class longtooth grouper with the giant grouper, the world's largest grouper. It was the result of aiming for a fish that has the deliciousness of longtooth grouper and the characteristics of giant maggots that grow large. It has already been put to practical use and sold by Sushiro.

 Recently, there was news that Kuetama escaped from a farm in Kagoshima Bay. Kuetama is an artificially hybridized fish, but both longtooth grouper and grouper belong to the same genus Red grouper. Therefore, it is not subject to the Cartagena Protocol, and even if Kuetama escapes, there is no obligation to report it, and of course there is no punishment. About 4,000 Kuetama are reported to have escaped. Since the Kuetama is a huge carnivorous fish, we are more concerned about the destruction of the ecosystem due to feeding damage than the genetic contamination of the escaped Kuetama. Artificial hybrids may in some ways have the same impact on ecosystems as non-native species.

#FluorescentKillifish #CartagenaProtocol #Quetama