水深100mなら、水中ドローンFIFISH V6で探索可能です。
水深100mとなると、探索が難しい深い海です。これまで観測されている宝石サンゴも水深100mというのは、目安と言えるでしょう。正確な深度が測定されているわけではありません。シロサンゴなら、水深100mより浅い海で観察されているので、水中ドローンFIFISH V6なら、観察可能です。これまで深い海底の調査は難しかったのですが、水中ドローンなら簡便に調査ができます。水中ドローンで海の宝石サンゴを探してみませんか?当社では水中ドローンを格安でレンタルしております。
#宝石サンゴ #赤珊瑚 #水中ドローン #FIFISH
Why do not you look for gem corals with an underwater drone?
Gem coral is a coral that is popular as jewelry around the world. It has a beautiful red to white color. Occasionally we hear in the news that Chinese ships have invaded Japan's EEZ and taken red coral. Especially the red-colored gem coral seems to be popular in China. Gemstone coral is processed into accessories such as brooches, earrings, and necklaces. Prices range from around 10,000 yen to over 4 million yen.
The value of gem corals is determined by their clarity, color and size.
It is not generally known how gem corals are valued. For example, in the case of red coral, those with a deep red color and no turbidity are traded at a high price. As for the color, the value is low if the color is light or dark. Also, in terms of turbidity, if the transparency is low or if it is quite turbid, the value will be low. They are ranked from A to D rank respectively. Red coral that is not particularly cloudy and has a deep color is classified as S rank, and even coral with a diameter of about 7 mm is sold for 20,000 yen or more. Among S-rank red corals, those with a diameter of over 20 mm are traded for more than 1 million yen.
The waters around Japan are a treasure trove of precious corals.
The waters around Japan are rich fishing grounds for jewel corals. However, it wasn't until the end of the Edo period that precious corals began to be caught in Japan. The reason for this is that the precious corals in the waters near Japan live in relatively deep waters. The gem corals that inhabit the waters around Japan are mainly red coral, white coral, and white coral. These precious corals are caught especially in the Ogasawara Islands, Tosa Bay, and Nagasaki Bay.
The habitat of jewel corals in the waters near Japan is, as mentioned above, the bottom of the deep sea, at a depth of 100m to 1000m. Relatively white coral inhabits a little shallower, and the depth becomes deeper in order of red coral and white coral. White corals are found even in waters tens of meters deep. In the waters near Japan, the water depth becomes deep as soon as you leave the land a little. Due to the effects of global warming, there is a possibility that the habitat of precious corals is also changing. In fact, the amount of landings in Tosa Bay is gradually decreasing. Precious corals may be migrating to deeper waters such as Sagami Bay and Suruga Bay to the north.
If the water depth is 100m, it can be searched with the underwater drone FIFISH V6.
At a depth of 100m, it is a deep sea that is difficult to explore. It can be said that the 100m water depth for gem corals that have been observed so far is a guideline. Accurate depth is not measured. White coral is observed in the sea shallower than 100m, so it can be observed with the underwater drone FIFISH V6. Until now, it has been difficult to investigate the deep seabed, but underwater drones make it easy. Why don't you look for jewel corals in the sea with an underwater drone? We rent underwater drones at a low price.
#JewelCoral #RedCoral #UnderwaterDrone #FIFISH