
2023/05/17 ブログ








Geffroy, B, Wedekind, C. Effects of global warming on sex ratios in fishes. J Fish Biol. 2020; 97: 596– 606. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.14429

#地球温暖化 #魚のオス化 #水中ドローン

It seems that global warming will increase the number of male fish in the sea.

It is widely known that sea temperatures are rising due to global warming. As a result of rising sea temperatures, many climate changes are occurring, such as increasing the size of typhoons and increasing the frequency of torrential rains. In addition, the distribution of seafood and changes in the migratory routes of migratory fish are reported along with news of poor catches. These visible changes are very easy to understand, but there are also changes that are hard to see. One of them is the change in the male-to-female ratio of sea creatures. This time, as a result of rising sea temperatures due to global warming, the ratio of male to female sea creatures has changed, and the number of males is increasing.

Fish that temperature affects sex determination

 Many studies have been conducted on sex determination in fish. There are many fish species whose sex determination is affected by water temperature, and many species have been reported. In addition to zebrafish, which is often used for research, it has been reported that more males are born in fish such as flounder, European perch, Nile tilapia, pike, and African spiny catfish as water temperatures rise. The familiar goldfish is also the same. Interestingly, in the case of medaka and sockeye salmon, genetically females become males when the water temperature is high. This is probably due to the fact that fish are poikilotherms. In fish, it is believed that males mature prematurely and have a high ability to adapt to the environment, so they selectively change to males. In the case of sea turtles, even though they live in the same sea, if the temperature at which the eggs hatch is 28 degrees Celsius or less, they become male. On the other hand, above 30°C, it becomes female.

An increase in males and a decrease in females may have a significant impact on aquaculture and artificial insemination.

Many aquaculture farms start with artificial insemination of eggs, and many eggs are required for raising young fish. In most cases, the eggs are removed from captured females and fertilized by the male's sperm. With fewer females, fewer eggs may be available. In the case of salmon, eggs are sold as salmon roe, so the price will also increase. There is no data showing that the number of females in salmon fishing is actually decreasing. Female salmon roe is priced at 1,300-1,500 yen per kg, which is about 3-5 times higher than the price of male salmon roe (300-500 yen per 1 kg). A decrease in the number of females would be an unwelcome phenomenon, as it would lead to a decrease in sales for fishermen.

 Due to the effects of global warming, the ecosystem of the sea is definitely changing. Understanding changes in ecosystems will lead to the development of countermeasures against the impact of global warming on fisheries. Would you like to explore the ocean once? It is important to actually observe what is happening at sea. We rent an underwater drone that can observe and record in the sea at a low price. Please take advantage of it.

This article was used as a reference when writing this blog.

Geffroy, B, Wedekind, C. Effects of global warming on sex ratios in fishes. J Fish Biol. 2020; 97: 596– 606. https://doi.org/10.1111/jfb.14429

#GlobalWarming #MaleFish #UnderwaterDrone