
2023/09/13 ブログ




1) 琉球海溝におけるフィリピン海プレートの沈み込みの伴う海溝型地震の前兆
2) 海底火山大噴火の前兆



 前述の通り、トカラ列島の東には琉球海溝があります。しかし、今回の震源は琉球海溝から約200km離れた場所です。フィリピン海プレートの境界は、深度80〜100 kmの位置にあります。今回の群発地震の震源の深さは20kmであり、横ずれ断層型であることから、海溝型地震ではなく、いわゆる「直下型地震」と考えられています。



#トカラ列島 #地震 #海底火山

The earthquake swarm off the coast of the Tokara Islands may be a sign of a large-scale eruption of an undersea volcano.

 Since last week, more than 200 earthquakes have occurred off the coast of the Tokara Islands in Kagoshima Prefecture. The Tokara Archipelago, which is prone to frequent earthquakes, consists of seven islands located between Amami Oshima and Yakushima. Surprisingly, it is located close to Honshu, with the Ryukyu Trench to the east. This earthquake swarm is thought to be a precursor to a major earthquake along the Nankai Trough, which is connected to the Ryukyu Trench, or an undersea volcanic eruption. What are the characteristics of this Tokara Archipelago earthquake swarm that are predicted to occur this way?

The epicenter was at almost the same location and the depth was 20km.

 Earthquakes have frequently occurred near the Tokara Islands in the past. For example, in October 2000, there was one earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5 or higher and two earthquakes with a seismic intensity of 5 or lower. This earthquake swarm, like previous earthquakes, occurred at a depth of approximately 20 km underground, around 20 to 30 km southwest of Akusekijima. When the Japan Meteorological Agency analyzed this earthquake swarm, it was reported that the focal mechanism was a "strike-slip fault type" with a compression axis running in the northeast-southwest direction. Based on the location and depth of this epicenter, the following two possibilities were considered.

1) Signs of a subduction zone earthquake accompanied by subduction of the Philippine Sea plate in the Ryukyu Trench
2) Signs of a major submarine volcanic eruption

Which of these two is more likely?

The possibility of a subduction zone earthquake seems to be low.

 As mentioned above, the Ryukyu Trench is located to the east of the Tokara Islands. However, the epicenter of this earthquake was approximately 200 km away from the Ryukyu Trench. The boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate is located at a depth of 80-100 km. The depth of the epicenter of this earthquake swarm is 20 km and it is a strike-slip fault, so it is considered to be a so-called "direct-type earthquake" rather than a subduction zone earthquake.

This earthquake swarm may be a sign of a major submarine volcanic eruption.

 The Tokara Archipelago was originally created by volcanic activity. In fact, Kuchinoshima, Nakanoshima, and Suwanosejima are designated as active volcanoes. Therefore, this earthquake swarm is thought to be caused by volcanic activity. However, Akusekijima, which is close to the epicenter, is designated as a dormant volcano because no volcanic activity has been recognized since 10,000 years ago. Some experts believe that this earthquake swarm is a sign of new volcanic activity near the epicenter. However, the recent Tokara Archipelago earthquake swarm occurred at a depth of approximately 20 km underground, and is thought to be caused by the movement of magma from a magma chamber to the surface, and therefore is not an indication of the impending eruption. Many believe that the recent earthquake swarm is caused by the movement of magma occurring underground. However, there is a good possibility that magma exists even in areas 20km deep underground, and the possibility of magma rising deep underground cannot be denied. Furthermore, if magma rises from deep underground, it is thought that it could cause a large-scale eruption. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully observe future earthquake trends and transitions.

#TokaraArchipelago #Earthquake #UnderseaVolcano