11月29日、海洋研究開発機構の発表によると、「謎の津波」の発生海域で、火山活動によるカルデラが見つかりました。カルデラとは、火山活動によりできた大きな凹地のことです。実際、10月20日には、鳥島から西に約50キロの海域で南北約80キロにわたって軽石とみられる浮遊物が見つかっており、海底火山の噴火によって津波が起きたとの見方もありました。カルデラは鳥島から南に80 kmほど離れた海底にあり、直径6 kmほどの大きさです。10月に津波を発生させた現象は特定されていませんが、付近を研究船で緊急調査した海洋研究開発機構によりますと当時、「T波」という地震波がこのカルデラ周辺から出ていて、火山活動が地震や津波の原因であった可能性があるということです。このエリアを監視できる観測網はほとんどなく、今回、海底に6つの地震計が設置されました。12月に回収し、カルデラ周辺の火山や地震の状況について分析が進められるそうです。
#津波 #鳥島 #水中ドローン
The cause of the mysterious tsunami may be an undersea volcanic eruption near Torishima.
On October 9, 2023, a tsunami was observed over a wide area on the Pacific side. However, although a tsunami was observed, no submarine earthquake was observed, leading to the report calling it a "mysterious tsunami." The "mysterious tsunami" was 60 cm in Yaene, Hachijojima, Tokyo, 40 cm in Tosashimizu City, Kochi Prefecture, and 30 cm in Fura, Tateyama City, Chiba Prefecture, and Minamiosumi Town, Kagoshima Prefecture, over a wide area including Honshu, Kyushu, and Shikoku. It was observed in
The "mysterious tsunami" was created by small tsunamis overlapping each other.
On October 27th, the Earthquake Research Institute of the University of Tokyo made a research presentation regarding this "mysterious tsunami." According to a research report, this "mysterious tsunami" was a series of tsunamis that occurred in a short period of time, and when they overlapped, they were amplified to about twice the height. Specifically, tsunamis were observed 13 times between around 5 a.m. and around 6:30 a.m. on the 9th. The interval between these tsunamis has gradually become shorter, and the six waves that occurred in the latter half were amplified to about twice the height as the cycle of the previous tsunami overlapped with the cycle of the next tsunami. did.
The "mysterious tsunami" may be caused by submarine volcanic activity.
On November 29, the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology announced that a caldera caused by volcanic activity was discovered in the area where the "mysterious tsunami" occurred. A caldera is a large depression created by volcanic activity. In fact, on October 20, floating objects that appeared to be pumice were found in a sea area about 50 kilometers west of Torishima, stretching about 80 kilometers north to south, leading some to believe that the tsunami was caused by the eruption of an undersea volcano. The caldera is located on the ocean floor about 80 km south of Torishima and has a diameter of about 6 km. The phenomenon that caused the tsunami in October has not been identified, but according to the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology, which conducted an emergency survey of the area using a research vessel, seismic waves called "T waves" were being emitted from around the caldera at the time, indicating volcanic activity. This means that it may have been the cause of the earthquake and tsunami. There are few observation networks that can monitor this area, and this time, six seismometers were installed on the ocean floor. It is said that it will be recovered in December and that an analysis of the volcanic and earthquake conditions around the caldera will be carried out.
The ocean is vast and large, so there are many places we don't understand.
The ocean is very vast. Additionally, since the ocean floor is difficult to see from the sea, the only way to understand the topography of the ocean floor is to use sonar. Because the area that can be searched using sonar is narrow, the area in which the ocean floor topography can be determined is limited to a very small area within the vast ocean. As a result, there are many areas in the ocean where there is no observation equipment at all, like this time. Currently, there are concerns about an earthquake off the coast of the Nankai Trough, so many seismometers and other equipment are being installed near the Nankai Trough. As in this case, new submarine volcanoes may be forming in areas where observation equipment is not available.
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