
2024/01/16 ブログ








 ノロウイルスに感染すると、1-2日の潜伏期を経て、嘔気、嘔吐、下痢などの症状がでます。特に治療は必要ではありませんが、乳幼児や高齢者、体力の弱っている方は、嘔吐、下痢による脱水や窒息に注意する必要があります。ノロウイルスは、症状から回復した後も3〜7日間ほど便中に排出されます。そのため、家庭や職場での2次 感染に注意しなければなりません。


#ノロウイルス #ウイルス除去 #カキ

Be careful of norovirus infection.

 Norovirus infections occur frequently from autumn to winter. Bivalves such as oysters can become infected if they are eaten raw or undercooked. In fact, there are many cases of norovirus infection when eating undercooked oysters. In fact, the food poisoning incident that occurred at the "Oyster Festival 2024" held at Ueno Park in Tokyo from January 6th to 8th was caused by "oyster butter and soy sauce." It appears that the norovirus remained inactive due to insufficient heating of the oysters. Norovirus is highly infectious, and it is said that even a single virus particle can cause infection.

Are oysters safer to eat raw or cooked?

 Oysters are sold both for eating raw and for cooking. Oysters for raw consumption are farmed in clean offshore waters, and oysters for heating are farmed on the coast. Generally, oysters inhale 300 liters of seawater a day and absorb the nutrients contained in it. On the coast, seawater is rich in nutrients, so oysters for cooking grow large and thick, while oysters for eating raw grow small and thin. However, many viruses and bacteria, including norovirus, live in coastal areas. As a result, oysters farmed in coastal areas can inhale norovirus and bacteria. Many bacteria and viruses are broken down into oysters or excreted as is. However, norovirus remains in the internal organs of oysters and can cause food poisoning. Oysters for heating are likely to contain norovirus, and as mentioned above, if even a single particle contains norovirus, there is a risk of infection. Cooking oysters for heating but undercooking may pose a higher risk of infection than eating oysters for raw consumption.

Please be careful when making and eating fried oysters.

 Fried oysters are a popular dish both at home and when eating out. When cooking at home, first wash thoroughly with salt water. Also, be sure to follow the recipe's frying time and oil temperature (180℃, 2-3 minutes) to fry thoroughly. Be careful not to fry too much at once as the temperature will drop. Thicker oysters may need to be fried a little longer to heat through to the center. Fried food tastes best when freshly fried, but let it sit for a while before eating. Norovirus is inactivated at 90℃ for 90 seconds or more.

 When you eat fried oysters at a restaurant or izakaya, you may be served freshly fried oysters. Don't eat it right away; wait a little while before eating. I also contracted norovirus when I ate freshly fried oysters. We recommend waiting 3-5 minutes after being fed before eating.

Be careful of secondary infection with norovirus.

 When infected with norovirus, symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea appear after an incubation period of 1-2 days. No particular treatment is required, but infants, the elderly, and people with weak physical strength should be careful about dehydration and suffocation due to vomiting and diarrhea. Norovirus is excreted in the stool for about 3 to 7 days even after you have recovered from symptoms. Therefore, you must be careful about secondary infections at home and at work.

 The most dangerous place for secondary infection is probably the toilet. Areas that have been touched by an infected person must be disinfected. In the case of norovirus, hypochlorous acid-based detergents are effective. Since this is an alkaline detergent product, be careful not to use it together with acidic detergents.

#Norovirus #VirusRemoval #Oyster