
2024/03/19 ブログ





 海藻が繁茂している所では、千切れた海藻の一部が漂っています。陸上の植物とは異なり、海藻は千切れても直ぐに枯れることはありません。千切れた海藻は、そのまま波に揺られて、近くに漂っていることが多いでしょう。この漂っている海藻の一部は、水中ドローンの航行を妨害することがあります。具体的には、スクリューに絡まり止めてしまうこと、視界が悪くなることが挙げられます。海藻が繁茂している所を水中ドローンで観察するとき、水中ドローンの操作性に注意しましょう。もし意図しない動きを感じた時、直ちに航行を中止し、ケーブルを巻き取って本体を回収しましょう。水中ドローンのスクリューに海藻が絡んでいる可能性があります。FIFISH V6の場合、スクリューカバーが販売されています。FIFISH V6で海藻が繁茂している所を観察する場合、スクリューカバーを利用すれば、安全な航行が可能でしょう。

 当社では、ご希望に応じてFIFISH V6にスクリューカバーを付属してお送りいたします。是非、ご利用下さい。

#水中ドローン #ブルーカーボン #海藻

Floating seaweed and aquatic plants are the natural enemies of underwater drones.

 Recently, the carbon dioxide absorbed by seaweed living on the coast has been defined as blue carbon and has received attention. It is true that a wide variety of seaweeds inhabit the coasts of Japan, and it is estimated that Japan absorbs about 1 million tons of blue carbon annually. The amount of blue carbon absorbed is equivalent to approximately 12% of the amount of carbon dioxide absorbed by plants on land. People in Japan have had many opportunities to eat seaweed since ancient times, and various seaweeds are harvested all over Japan. However, since the same seaweed is called by different names depending on the region, it is unclear exactly how many types of seaweed are eaten. However, in recent years, the ``isoyake'' phenomenon in which seaweed is drastically reduced along most of Japan's coasts has occurred, and the amount of seaweed harvested appears to be decreasing. "Isoyake" is caused by rising seawater temperatures due to global warming, so it won't subside for a while. It may be necessary to investigate how much seaweed is present.

Underwater drones are ideal for surveying coastal areas.

 Seaweed can live as long as it receives sunlight, and can live up to 30 meters deep. However, the deeper the water, the lower the amount of sunlight, so the shallower the water, the better the seaweed will grow. However, the water depth in coastal areas is shallow, making navigation by research vessels difficult. In the case of shallow seas, seaweed biomass surveys sometimes use satellite photographs, but these are not accurate. In the case of underwater drones, it is possible to determine the habitat range and type of seaweed from images, making it possible to conduct more accurate biomass surveys. Also, since underwater drones are easy to operate, it will be possible to observe seasonal changes.

Care must be taken when operating an underwater drone in areas where seaweed grows.

 In areas where seaweed is thriving, pieces of shredded seaweed are floating around. Unlike land plants, seaweed does not die immediately even if it is torn into pieces. Shredded seaweed is often tossed around by the waves and floating nearby. Some of this floating seaweed can interfere with the navigation of underwater drones. Specifically, it can become entangled with the screw and become blocked, and visibility can become poor. When using an underwater drone to observe areas where seaweed is thriving, be careful about the operability of the underwater drone. If you feel any unintended movement, immediately stop sailing, reel in the cable, and recover the main body. Seaweed may be entangled in the propeller of the underwater drone. For FIFISH V6, screw covers are sold. When observing areas where seaweed is growing with FIFISH V6, you can safely navigate by using the screw cover.

 We will send the FIFISH V6 with a screw cover upon request. Please feel free to use it.

#UnderwaterDrone #BlueCarbon #Seaweed