#漁業権 #密猟
Know your fishing rights and avoid becoming a poacher in Japan.
In recent years, there have been reports of poaching in the early spring. The majority of cases involve poaching of clams on sandy beaches and glass eels, which are juvenile eels, in rivers. Poaching refers to the taking of fish, shellfish, seaweed, etc. from areas of the sea or rivers where fishing rights have been established, by people other than those who have obtained fishing rights. It seems that some people end up poaching shellfish and fish without knowing that they have fishing rights. Be aware of your fishing rights to avoid unknowingly poaching.
There are three types of fishing rights.
Fishing rights are defined as ``the right to exclusively engage in a specific type of fishing in a specific area of water for a specific period of time.'' There are three types of fishing rights: fixed fishing rights, zoned fishing rights, and communal fishing rights. Among these, fixed fishing rights are the rights to set up fixed nets, etc. Divisional fishing rights are the right to collect shellfish and algae, and divisional fishing rights are the rights to cultivate seafood and seaweed on the sea surface, lakes, and rivers. Among these, the fishing rights that may be violated by the general public are the zoned fishing rights. In many cases, warning signs are posted, but the general public does not know where fishing rights are established. Additionally, fishing rights may have been established in the past, but no longer exist, and only the signboard remains. Fishing rights are set for 5 or 10 years, so as the number of fishermen decreases, fishing rights may not be extended. The areas where fishing rights have been established are listed on the Fisheries Agency website. If you're worried, check it out.
Why are fishing rights established?
Some people may feel dissatisfied or dissatisfied with the establishment of fishing rights. The purpose of fishing rights is to "maintain order in the fishing industry and provide economic protection for fishermen." The underlying spirit is ``to smoothly deliver the blessings of the sea, lakes, and rivers to the people.'' In addition, fishing rights are the right to engage in specific fishing activities exclusively in a certain area of water after receiving a license from the prefectural governor. Therefore, you can freely engage in fishing activities other than those specified. For example, even in areas where fishing rights have been established for shellfish such as clams, you can freely fish for gobies and oysters.
If a fisherman establishes fishing rights, he or she will be required to report at least once a year. You must report your fishing experience in the area where fishing rights have been established. If you have set up a fishing license but have only been fishing for a few days, it may be canceled on the grounds that you are not using the area effectively.
Stop thinking that you are the only one.
In particular, when zoned fishing rights are established, young shellfish, shrimp, seaweed seeds, etc. are often released into the zone, which incurs costs. If poaching occurs, the expected catch will not be obtained and the selling price of seafood will increase as a result. Those who poach may feel like they have made a temporary profit, but in the long run they will be at a disadvantage as the price of seafood will rise. If many people come up with the idea of ``one person like me,'' it becomes ``the idea of many people.'' Stop intentional poaching. If you are unintentionally poached, release the fish you caught or give it to fishermen.
#fishingRights #poaching