
2024/08/15 ブログ







#南海トラフ地震 #日向灘地震 #巨大地震注意

Relationship between Nankai Trough earthquakes and Hyuga-nada earthquakes

 On August 8th, a large earthquake occurred with its epicenter in Hyuga-nada. The magnitude of this earthquake was recorded at 7.1, and shaking of a seismic intensity of 6 or less was observed in Miyazaki Prefecture. It was speculated that this earthquake may be a sign of the Nankai Trough earthquake, which has been feared in recent years. As a result, a "Massive Earthquake Warning" was issued as part of the "Nankai Trough Earthquake Emergency Information." Since this is the result of a meeting of experts, the probability of a Nankai Trough earthquake occurring is likely to be increasing. Is the Hyuga-nada earthquake really related to the Nankai Trough earthquake? In this article, I would like to introduce the Nankai Trough earthquakes and Hyuga-nada earthquakes that have occurred in the past.

The epicenter of the Nankai Trough earthquake is thought to be divided into five parts.

 Currently, the predicted epicenter of the Nankai Trough earthquake announced by the Japan Meteorological Agency is a wide area stretching from off the coast of Shizuoka Prefecture to off the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture. In fact, this area is divided into five parts based on the undersea topography. From the west, they are the Hyuga Basin off the coast of Miyazaki Prefecture, the Tosa Basin off the coast of Kochi Prefecture, the Muroto Basin off the coast of Wakayama Prefecture, the Kumano Basin off the coast of Mie Prefecture, and the Enshu Basin off the coast of Aichi Prefecture. As far as records go, there have been nine Nankai Trough earthquakes in the past, dating back as far as 684. Two major earthquakes have been recorded in the Hyuga-nada Sea in the past, in 1662 and 1968. After the 1662 Hyuga-nada earthquake, the Nankai Trough earthquake (Hoei earthquake) occurred in 1707. Since the 1968 Hyuga-nada earthquake, no Nankai Trough earthquakes have occurred to date.

 The Muroto Basin is the dividing line between the west and east sides, and it is estimated that there has been one earthquake with its epicenter on the west side and two earthquakes with its epicenter on the east side. There have also been three consecutive earthquakes with epicenters on both the west and east sides, separated by a few years. Furthermore, the last Nankai Trough earthquake that caused a huge tsunami was the Keicho earthquake of 1605.

The earthquake off the coast of Hyuga-Nada may not be related to the Nankai Trough earthquake.

Looking at the past cases of Nankai Trough earthquakes, earthquakes that occurred in the Hyuga Basin do not seem to be related to the Nankai Trough earthquake. Past cases show that there are many earthquakes with epicenters off the coast of Shikoku and off the coast of Mie and Aichi prefectures, and even if a Nankai Trough earthquake occurs in the future, these two points are likely to be the epicenter, and there is also a possibility that two huge earthquakes will occur. Regardless of the recent Hyuga-Nada earthquake, it is necessary to prepare for the occurrence of a huge earthquake. Tsunamis have also been observed in places exceeding 10 meters. Several breakwaters have been newly built on the coasts of Japan, so it is not certain that the damage will be as bad as in the past. However, if an earthquake occurs while you are on the coast, you will need to evacuate from the tsunami, such as by fleeing to high ground. Since it is certain that a Nankai Trough earthquake will occur, the issuance of this huge earthquake warning may have been a good opportunity to reconsider how to respond to earthquakes.

#NankaiTroughEarthquake #HyuganadaEarthquake #GiantEarthquakeWarning