#イルカ #イルカ被害
It is a big misconception that dolphins are gentle.
Recently, there have been many dolphin attacks in Fukui Prefecture. This summer, 18 people have been killed by dolphins. When talking about creatures attacking people in the sea, many people think of sharks. However, in Japan, there is less than one shark attack per year. Dolphins are overwhelmingly more dangerous than sharks in the sea, so if you see a dolphin at the beach, it is important to run away.
Dolphins are ferocious carnivorous mammals.
Sharks inspire a fundamental fear in humans because of their appearance. Dolphins have a similar body shape to sharks, but perhaps because their eyes are shaped differently, they do not scare people as much. Also, perhaps due to the influence of the old movie "Jaws," many movies have been released in which sharks attack people, and it seems that the idea that sharks are creatures that attack people in the sea has been established. On the other hand, dolphins have a friendly image towards humans, as seen in "dolphin shows" held at aquariums and "dolphin therapy" for treating mental illness. Therefore, many people mistakenly believe that sharks are dangerous and dolphins are safe. Both dolphins and sharks are carnivores that eat fish. Dolphins kept in captivity are given enough food, so their instinct to seek food is suppressed. As a result, trained dolphins that are often exposed to human eyes may appear to have a calm personality.
Wild dolphins that live in the sea are just as ferocious animals that attack fish as sharks. Sharks are fish, but dolphins are mammals. Therefore, sharks can get water from seawater, but dolphins cannot drink seawater to get water. Dolphins get water by preying on fish. Inevitably, dolphins eat more fish. A two-ton great white shark eats about 30 kilograms of fish a day, while a 400-kilogram bottlenose dolphin eats about 10 kilograms. If we calculate per 100 kilograms of body weight, the great white shark eats about 1.5 kilograms of fish, and the bottlenose dolphin eats about 2.5 kilograms. The bottlenose dolphin attacks more fish than the great white shark. Dolphins and sharks may be able to distinguish between humans and fish, but when they are hungry, humans look like slow fish.
Wild dolphins are like wild dogs.
Dolphins used in dolphin shows and therapy are like domesticated pet dogs. On the other hand, wild dolphins are like wild dogs. Pet dogs will rarely bite you if you approach them. However, if you approach a wild dog carelessly, you may be bitten or attacked. If you see a wild dolphin in the sea, it is important not to approach it carelessly. For wild dolphins, humans are food and a water source, making them ideal prey. Due to the effects of global warming, the distribution of fish has changed, and there may be many starving dolphins. Starving dolphins are not kind people's friends, but ferocious carnivores.
#dolphin #dolphindamage