
2024/10/17 ブログ










#サケ #不漁 #水中ドローン

Will 2024 be a year of poor salmon catches in Japan?

 Even in October, temperatures remain high across Japan. Summer days are occurring one after another, making it hard to believe it's autumn. One of the reasons for this is said to be high seawater temperatures on the Pacific side. In fact, in the waters around the Japanese archipelago, both the Pacific and Sea of Japan sides, temperatures are more than 1 degree higher than usual. In particular, the Pacific side of Tohoku and Hokkaido is 4-6 degrees higher than usual. As a result, salmon catches are continuing to be poor, following saury.

Iwate Prefecture's autumn salmon catch is expected to be at its lowest level ever.

 The Iwate Prefectural Fisheries Technology Center predicted that this year's salmon return volume will be less than 1% of the 2008-2010 volume. In fact, last year's salmon return volume was also less than 1%, at 44,000 fish and 133 tons. By the way, the average salmon return volume for 2008-2010 was 7.68 million fish and 25,053 tons. The cause is thought to be the high seawater temperature in early spring when the salmon fry are released. For salmon, which naturally grow in low water temperatures, the high seawater temperature in early spring had a major impact on the growth of the fry. It is thought that fry with little physical strength could not withstand the high seawater temperature and had a low survival rate.

The salmon fry release project is also starting to be adversely affected.

 If the salmon do not return, it will be difficult to continue the salmon fry release project. This is because there is a possibility that the expenses for hatching salmon eggs and raising them to fry will not be paid. Raising salmon to fry requires electricity, feed, and labor costs. In recent years, electricity and feed costs have risen sharply, and labor costs have also begun to rise. If we cannot catch salmon, we will not be able to cover these costs. If it continues for one year, it may be possible, but if it continues for two or three years, the salmon fry release project will not be able to continue.

In the Kanto region, salmon may no longer be seen swimming upstream.

 The Tone River, which flows through the Kanto region, is considered the southern limit of salmon swimming upstream. In the Tone River system, salmon fry were released into the river in 1981. Twenty years later, around 2001, the number of salmon swimming upstream increased, and in 2011, about 16,000 salmon were confirmed to have swim upstream. However, after recording a maximum of 18,696 salmon in 2013, the number continued to decrease. As a result, in 2024, only eight salmon were recorded. This year, the number of salmon swimming upstream will not be confirmed. In the Kanto region, we may no longer be able to see salmon swimming in the rivers.

The behavior and ecology of fish are changing significantly due to rising sea temperatures.

 Salmon is not the only fish species that are suffering from poor catches. Pacific saury and squid are also suffering from poor catches. Yellowtail catches, which were once abundant, have been poor this year. Rising sea temperatures have changed the species and abundance of plankton in the ocean, which has likely changed the ecology of fish. We need to observe and investigate how this has changed. The ecology of fish in the oceans and lakes that are so close to us may have also changed. Why not try observing with an underwater drone? We rent underwater drones at low prices. Please feel free to use them.

#salmon #poorcatch #underwaterdrone