再生可能エネルギーのトップ企業はアメリカのGeneral Electric Coです。
2023年、風力発電機の世界シェアの第1位の企業はGeneral Electric Co(GE)です。GEは風力発電だけでなく、太陽光発電など再生可能エネルギー関連事業に多大な投資を行い、常に技術革新を行っています。ある意味、地球温暖化対策に対する切り札的な企業です。また、再生可能エネルギー関連の機器について、世界シェアを拡大して、次世代のアメリカに繫栄をもたらす企業でしょう。残念ながら、GEはトランプ大統領の政策に沿った企業ではなく、今後どのような扱いを受けるのか、懸念されます。ちなみにGE本社があるコネチカット州では、前回の大統領選でハリス氏が勝利していました。
#トランプ大統領 #パリ協定 #ロスアンゼルスの山火事 #地球温暖化 #水中ドローン
Global warming will accelerate during the Trump presidency.
After taking office, US President Trump declared that the US would withdraw from the Paris Agreement, an international framework for combating global warming. He actually signed an executive order to withdraw from the Paris Agreement. From the very beginning, President Trump described the Paris Agreement as "an unfair agreement that restricts American manufacturing." President Trump's words were not a one-sided assumption, but were likely due to the fact that some of his supporters were clinging to old industries. For example, when it comes to wind power generation, which is compatible with the Paris Agreement, the US is the second largest in the world, accounting for 17% of the world's wind power generation. By the way, China was in first place with 35%, and Japan was in 19th place. Wind power generation has strict installation conditions, such as "winds suitable for generating electricity must blow throughout the year," so it is affected by the topography and size of the country. For this reason, the amount of wind power generation will be large in China and the US, which have large land areas.
The top renewable energy company is General Electric Co., an American company.
In 2023, General Electric Co (GE) is the company with the largest global share of wind turbines. GE is not only investing heavily in wind power generation, but also in renewable energy-related businesses such as solar power generation, and is constantly innovating. In a sense, it is a trump card company against global warming. In addition, it is a company that will expand its global share of renewable energy-related equipment and bring prosperity to the next generation of America. Unfortunately, GE is not a company that follows President Trump's policies, and there are concerns about how it will be treated in the future. By the way, in Connecticut, where GE's headquarters is located, Harris won the last presidential election.
The reason why the wildfires in Los Angeles cannot be extinguished is due to global warming.
Currently, a large wildfire is occurring in Los Angeles, California. Scientists at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) have reported from the results of a short-term survey that this has intensified due to the effects of global warming. Originally, California is often dry, and wildfires also occur. Therefore, the occurrence of wildfires themselves is not affected by global warming. However, there have been no wildfires that could not be extinguished until now. What makes this wildfire different from past wildfires?
The same is true in Japan, but global warming causes sea temperatures to rise and precipitation to increase. In places with rainy and dry seasons, such as California, rainfall increases during the rainy season and the dry season is exposed to high temperatures. As a result, many plants grow very well during the rainy season, and a large amount of well-grown plants die during the dry season. The dead plants become fires, and even if firefighting efforts are made, wildfires break out intermittently one after another, so it was said that it would be difficult to completely extinguish this wildfire.
With the United States withdrawing from the Paris Agreement, the United States will experience further weather disasters.
In the United States, powerful hurricanes hit southern states in the summer. Recently, hurricanes have affected not only the southern states but also the northern states of New York and Massachusetts. If President Trump goes against global warming measures, the wildfires in California and the hurricane damage in North Carolina and Georgia will also increase. This winter has also been hit by abnormally low temperatures, with forecasts of freezing temperatures even in the south. The effects of global warming are becoming apparent, with abnormally cold winters and abnormally hot summers. It is very interesting that President Trump's approval rating is high in the southern states where the most weather disasters occur. What is the reason for supporting President Trump, even if it means accepting the risk of losing life and property due to intensifying weather disasters?
Japan also needs to investigate the effects of further global warming.
There is no doubt that global warming will progress in the future. As a result, seawater temperatures will rise, causing intensifying weather phenomena and the loss of the four seasons. Of course, this will have a major impact on marine life, and fishing will be put to more of a test than ever before. There will be changes in catches and seasons depending on the fish species. Why not use an underwater drone to investigate changes in the ocean? We rent underwater drones at a low price. Please feel free to use them.
#PresidentTrump #ParisAgreement #LosAngelesWildfires #GlobalWarming #UnderwaterDrone